Friday, June 21, 2013

Space Explorers 1

We had a blast at the Museum of Natural History’s first week of camp: Space Explorers!  The week took off with an exploration of all things in space.  We saw a planetarium show, learned about different types of galaxies, and made our very own space decorations.  Best of all, we got to meet and make friends with all of the new campers and counselors!

On Tuesday, the fun continued and we learned all about spacecrafts.  We got to design our very own spacecrafts, and many of us worked together to make the best possible crafts!  We also learned about artificial gravity and make our own artificial gravity simulator to see what it’s like for real astronauts!

   Some of us made dials to show all the phases of the moon, while others of us made flip books that show the moon going through all of its phases.  We got to see another planetarium show, and talk about what it would be like if we were astronauts and crash landed on the moon!
Wednesday was all about the moon.

On Thursday, we made a trip to the Diag to act out the solar system in a human powered orrery.  The fun continued when we got to go on a mission to discover a strange new planet and create a new mnemonic device to help us remember the order of the planets in the solar system.

The week ended with the most exciting topic yet: aliens!  We got to listen to and see alien messages, and write our own.  We learned what it takes for there to be life on a planet, and best of all got to make our very own aliens!

This has been a great week of camp, and we look forward to seeing new and old friends at week two of Space Explorer camp!!

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