For the very first day of Bug Explorers, Little Explorers learned about what is an insect and what is not an insect. An insect has three body parts and six legs. Other things that look like insects but don't have these qualities are just bugs. Together we read two different books titled I Love Bugs. We played a sorting game with different bugs and played a game where we practiced moving like bugs. Our craft was decorating bug jars for the creatures we find outside. After snack time, we all looked for bugs together and then took an up close look at them through our projector.
Tuesday: Today we learned all about spiders and other arachnids. Arachnids have eight legs and only two body parts. Besides spiders, we talked about scorpions and ticks! We matched different spiders to the webs they spin as well as made our own webs out of yarn and cardboard. After snack, a special guest came to visit us from the Leslie Science and Nature Center. She reviewed insects and arachnids with us before showing us a peppered cockroach, a tarantula, and a scorpion!

Wednesday: Little Explorers looked at ladybugs today! We discussed the ladybug lifecycle and how it's different from a butterfly. We made our own bug mural that is now hanging across from Brittany's office on the first floor! Each camper made their own ladybug life cycle to take home before coloring a background for their bugs paintings and their butterfly paintings. At snack, we played a game like red light green light where we were acids running for a leaf or stopping because we saw a ladybug. Once inside, Little Explorers used their hands and finger to create bugs on the backgrounds they colored earlier. These wonderful creations came home on Thursday.

Thursday: On Thursday, we were buzzing about bumblebees! We finished adding body parts to our paint craft from yesterday before coloring-by-number some bees. Little Explorers played a game where everyone dressed up and played a part in our pollinator game. Butterflies and bees wore special goggles that made their eyes look like 100 eyes while they tried to pick up a cotton ball with tweezers to put in the hive. After snack, our friends made their own bumblebees out of yarn. They added eyes and wings. These crafts came home on Friday.
Friday: Today we are being silly with bugs! We discussed how bugs can be helpers and how they can be pests. A bee making a hive near our door might be a pest, but it's helpful when it pollinates and makes honey. We made bug headbands to wear with antennae and lots of different bugs attached. Not only are we playing our pollinator game again, but we are making our own pretend bugs. Different parts are given to each friend for them to add together to make a silly new bug. We played a game where we filled our jars with bugs by being expert counters. Before we finished the day, we went on a bug hunt to look at more bugs on the big screen.
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