This week, the campers learned all about nature during Natural Science Extravaganza in the morning!
Campers play Quick-Frozen Critters outside! |
On Monday, the campers became zoologists and learned all about different kinds of animals. They played a guessing game, where they had to look at pictures and use context clues to guess the animal! What do the number 5, a picture of a beach, a photo of the stars, and a close up of a fish have in common? You guessed it - starfish! The campers then made habitat dioramas where they used craft items to make a habitat suitable for their plastic animal!
Campers create their animal habitats |
The campers then learned about taxonomy and the classification of animals. They pick an animal, and then with the help of their counselors they looked up the taxonomy of that animal. Finally, they ended the day with a game outside called Quick-Frozen Critters. Some of the campers were prey animals, and others were predators. The campers learned skills that each animal uses in the wild to survive!
Campers show off their "moose" structure |
Tuesday was our day to travel to Nichols Arboretum where the campers learned about ecology. The campers got to walk through trails in the Arb and observe the wildlife, both plants and animals. We even saw a few deer walking around! The campers also had a blast building fairy homes for the Arboretum's fairy population. Then, after a snack in the Arb, the counselors read the campers a story about a girl who turns into various animals in the forest. She explores the forest from the perspective of each animal, revealing how different the forest looks to each critter. Finally, after a quick stop at the Huron River, the campers walked back to the Museum, where a freeze pop treat was waiting for them!
A camper works on drawing a really complex maze! |
On Thursday, the campers reached for the stars, and learn all about Astronomy. The campers made mazes on paper plates, and then used magnets on popsicle sticks to move a spaceship with a magnet through their maze! Campers then got to play the game PLANETS the Game, where they traveled through the solar system to various planets, and even got abducted by aliens! By using the shadow from the sun, the campers learned about how the Moon rotates, even thought we
Another camper demonstrates how to use the magnetic
spaceship on his maze! |
on Earth only see the same side of the moon. Finally, the campers headed to the Museum's planetarium for a show guided by orange groups counselor! The campers learned about the constellations in the night sky, and what they might see right now in their own backyards. To end the planetarium show, the campers flew into a simulation of what a black hole might look like!
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