This has been another fun and exciting week at Camp Explorations! For our second week of Science Extravaganza, we explored a different field of science every day!
On Monday, we studied paleontology. Campers learned how fossils are formed through permineralization and made their own trace fossils! We also pretended to be paleontologists on the field and discovered a new type of prehistoric animal. Ask your camper what kind they think it was!
Showing off her fabulous fossil! |
Drawing themselves as paleontologists! |
Having fun with bubbles! |
On Tuesday, we studied physical science and chemistry. We explored acids and bases with cabbage juice, made our lunch bags explode, and created our own "gluep." Campers also made their own bubble windows and wands and learned how bubbles are formed. We added a special ingredient to make our bubbles strong: glycerin! A mix of Dawn dish detergent and water works well, too!
We got some really big bubbles! |
Ask your camper how the different ingredients affected the color of the cabbage juice. |
Waiting for the lunch bag to explode... |
Wednesday's theme was zoology. We studied predator-prey relationships of animals and made our own food webs. Campers were also able to dissect owl pellets and even played a fun version of freeze tag!
The counselors were preying upon our jackrabbit campers! |
Discovering what owls eat. |
Working out a food web. |
The cycle is seed, sapling, mature tree, snag, rotting log. |
On Thursday, we walked to the Nichols Arboretum to learn about trees. Be sure to ask your camper what the different cycles of a tree's life cycle are!
We closed out the week with a day on water. Campers learned about water pollution and where it gets cleaned and the importance of sharing this precious resource with everyone. We also discovered that the majority of our planet is made of water through several activities.
Sharing our common water. |
The world is largely water! |
It's been another successful and fun week at Camp Explorations. We hope your campers had a great time as well! See you around the Museum!
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